The shocking secret that even astrologers don’t tell you about horoscopes.

Are you interested in daily, weekly, and monthly horoscopes? If your answer is yes, you must read this. We will reveal everything you ever wanted to know about horoscopes.

What’s the truth behind daily, weekly, and monthly horoscopes? Let’s find out!

People’s favorite parts of magazines, websites, and astrology portals are the daily, weekly, and monthly horoscopes—especially love forecasts, which are immensely popular.

What are the stars telling you? What is the real background of these messages?

What does it mean to be an Aries, Taurus, etc.?

There are twelve zodiac signs in a horoscope, each associated with a specific time of the year. Your birth sign only shows in which sign’s month the sun was traveling when you were born. For instance, in Aries, it travels from the end of March to April; Taurus, the end of April to May; Gemini, the end of May to June, and so on.

The “current” predictions, advice, and warnings given for your zodiac sign are meant for all people born under that sign. The person writing these daily, weekly, or monthly forecasts doesn’t “see” you, nor do they see your horoscope—i.e., your birth chart. They only consider that you were born in the month of a certain zodiac sign—i.e., the position of your sun.

Let’s look at the facts!

The world’s population has surpassed eight billion, which means there are roughly 667 million Aries, 667 million Taurus, 667 million Gemini, etc. living on the planet.

In other words, each of the twelve zodiac signs has about 650–670 million representatives. All of these people are striving toward their goals, their success, their happiness, or seeking solutions to their problems, as Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, and so on.

Can you believe that next week more than half a billion people—for example, Virgos—will meet the great and “true” love of their lives? Or perhaps fortune will smile on them and they will suddenly have a lot of money, or their careers soar, or crash, simply because they were born in a certain month of the year?

It’s entirely up to the journalist’s imagination what “smiles upon” someone this week or today. I know people who write such columns, some for several newspapers. They often come up with ideas from a large, long-written database. After all, who remembers what the “astrologer” of x magazine wrote for Scorpio for the 43rd week nine years ago? You are unique. There is no one else like you, and your life is also unique, incomparable to anyone else’s.

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You are unique, not one in 667 million!

Your personal horoscope, your birth chart, is always based on accurate astronomical calculations. In it, we depict not only the sun but the celestial positions and relationships of all the planets, plus a host of other characteristics—about 200 variables.

The starting point is the year, month, day, hour, minute, and geographical coordinates of your birth—in other words, when and where you were born.

What makes you unique?

In that delivery room, on that bed, or wherever your birth occurred, in that exact minute, your mother brought you, and only you, into the world. Even if you have a twin, they were born a few minutes earlier or later. Therefore, there’s no one else like you. The time, place, and circumstances are unique.

As you began your independent existence, the energy of that time quality touched you, which your soul chose as the minute of your birth. Your personal horoscope can tell a lot about this exact point in time, as it is a snapshot of the sky at that moment, with its energy imprint, its diagram.

This is your ”travel package,” your talents, your abilities, your opportunities. It reflects who you are, your distant past, and your future.

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There is only one birth chart like yours, not 667 million!

Every astrological exploration begins with the birth chart. The planets featured in it essentially represent inner personalities. The birth date symbolizes self-expression, self-realization, the ego.

The moon represents your emotional being, your love, your devotion.
Mercury shows how you communicate, how you think. Venus is related to love and eroticism. Mars relates to conquest and courage. Jupiter relates to wisdom. Saturn relates to the principle of responsibility, and so on, up to Pluto. These primordial principles, from the sun to Saturn, were deities in ancient cultures. How they “stand” in your horoscope, as their location is, so is your relationship with the respective principle. They can bring you success, happiness, or even lessons.

Each area of life has “houses” in the horoscope. The starting point of the house system is the ascendant, which is the given point of the sign just rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth.

The analysis of the chart itself provides the opportunity for very deep self-knowledge, which comes in handy when you are looking for answers. However, the majority of people—maybe even you—are more interested in answers to specific questions: When will I find love, be successful, happy, wealthy? What’s the situation with the family, and my beloved one’s health? Will my child get into school? What does the future holds for them?

Therefore, the birth chart is a 'package' of talents and traits uniquely characteristic of you, a distinctive pattern.

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How can the future be read from a horoscope—yours included?

There are plenty of calculation methods used for this, various procedures used for making different scales of forecasts. The palette is quite rich, and this diversity mainly proves how strong people’s desire is to know the future. The most practical and most informative method is called transit analysis.

Transit means “passing through.” The essence of the technique is to connect your personal horoscope, your birth chart, with the real position of the planets moving in the sky. This makes your “travel package” and the energies acting in the present visible and readable. This changes continuously over time because the planets revolve around the sun nonstop.

The celestial bodies come into contact with your natal planets from time to time. For example, Mars resonates with your Venus, and you are flooded with desires and erotic fantasies. Your energy field changes, and your environment can sense it. Your partner can too! But you may also feel an irresistible urge to get some cool new stuff.

When, for example, Saturn transits a point in your horoscope, you will be preoccupied with longer-term matters, and may be held responsible.

The transit of Jupiter can bring lucky circumstances in the area that affects you.

The essence is that the analysis examines the connection and energy of your personal self and the current reality. This is a personalized “weather report” just for you!

Because we know exactly when and where the planets will be in their orbits, it is possible to determine in advance which of your inner personalities will be shown. You can see which area of life is activated, whether it lasts for a short or long time. Thus, the life-influencing signposts and turning points can be mapped out.

The energy of the transiting moon is active for a few hours. The light angles of the sun and Mercury last for 2–4 days—Venus and Mars a little longer—while the transits of the outer, slow planets can last for months or even one, two, or three years.

So it matters a lot if celestial Mars affects your moon and Venus for a few days, or Neptune, which enchants you emotionally for years. Or maybe Pluto, which literally rewrites your life, creating an emotional heaven or hell for 2–3 years. If we examine the question “When will I fall in love?” this has little to do with your birth sign, because in this case we examine your Venus, possibly the celestial light angles touching the moon, your Fifth and Seventh Houses, as well as their planets and rulers.

Astrology is serious business. It has an older written history than today’s dominant world religions.

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How much can we believe in horoscopes?

Astrological forces affect everyone all the time. A transit of Mars, Jupiter, or Uranus occurs whether you know about it or not, and even if you don’t believe in it.

For instance, do you believe in rain?

Of course you do, because you can feel it and get wet from it. You can even experience its negative side effects—it might ruin your weekend plans! The influence of transiting celestial planets is just like that. It’s less direct, but just as real. If someone is fired from their job for being repeatedly late, they rarely think of Saturn’s influence, but it’s often this primordial self that presents the bill, confronting you with the consequences. This happens precisely when it comes into contact with your sun, your Sixth or Tenth House.

Could this have been foreseen? Yes, and if you had known about it, maybe you would have related to your work differently, behaved more responsibly, or pulled yourself together, and the negative event—the “lesson”—could have been avoided.

In fact, you could have even made something positive out of that time period, maybe showed progress. It matters greatly when and under which energies we sign contracts, make serious decisions, get married, change careers, or buy a new car.

Remember, the horoscope or the planets don’t “do” anything, especially not in place of you! They activate areas of life, affect feelings, switch on desires and willpower, inspire and motivate.

If it’s going to rain, you don’t lie out on the terrace. Or do you lie out and curse the rain?

What can we learn from a horoscope? Is it really accurate?

In practice, the more precisely we try to predict or declare something—a fact, an event, an exact thing—the more likely it is that we will make a mistake.

You might rightfully ask, “So, what’s the point?”

Well, an astrologer sees trends, the interactions of forces, and interprets them. These trends, however, can be determined with 100 percent certainty. They influence you, your goals, your opportunities, your entire being, your life. The effects touching your partner’s horoscope appear in your life as well.

If we say that you will have a positive, emotionally active period in March–April, then your horoscope indicates love, joy, happiness. This could be a new relationship, an unexpected wonderful encounter, an adventure, or perhaps an elevation of your existing relationship.

This also depends on what your current life situation supports, as well as your personality, self-image, and expectations. Therefore, heightened emotional activity as a trend will definitely occur during the indicated period, but it’s up to you whether you start, where you go, and what direction you take. But predicting that on the 14th, in the morning, you’ll meet a blonde, blue-eyed, tall, single man working in the banking sector, that can’t be said.

Usually, the transits of several planets are at play simultaneously. There can be overlaps. Multiple areas of life are active, and sometimes the situation is very complex. Progress at work, more tasks, business opportunities, problems to solve in the family, perhaps your well-being are also trying to send you a message—progress here, a challenge there, difficulty elsewhere. Questions arise, such as, What can be expected? What affects you? How long will it last? Is it worth taking action or waiting?

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A horoscope prepared with transit analysis helps you to navigate these types of questions. It entails real effects, in real time, like a compass, or to stick with the earlier analogy, it’s like a personalized weather report just for you (There is only one birth chart like yours, not 667 million!)

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How significant can a particular astrological influence be?
Will it change my life forever, or might it go unnoticed?

There are times when your life flows calmly and predictably. You feel safe, progressing toward your goals. But there can be moments when you feel like Dorothy swept up by a tornado.

You might have to deal with unexpected twists, critical decisions, emotional problems, business issues, challenges with teenage children, school concerns, and so on. These periods can be mapped out in advance in the horoscope. If you know what tendencies affect you in different areas of life, you can prepare for them and even use these energies to your advantage.

It’s good to want things, but it’s even better to know when to want them.

The inner, faster-moving celestial bodies like the sun, the moon, Mercury, and Venus affect your mood, energy, and well-being but don’t really influence your fate or bring lasting changes. Mars’s influence lasts about a week. You can win with its help, but also make big mistakes. So its impact can be subjectively small or big.

In any case, it’s worth paying attention to! The outer planets move slower and are far away, thus maintaining their energetic effect for a long time. This can lead to events that shape your destiny.

Jupiter helps, propels forward, or encourages excesses. Sometimes this influence is prominent and fantastic—bringing money, for example—and sometimes it is less significant.

Saturn’s aspects are rarer, last longer, and can sometimes come in several waves. You can plan, build something, or face the consequences of your previous decisions. In a worse case, you might have legal troubles.

Uranus transits bring change, which can be stormy or unexpected, and include “crazy” events.

Transits of Neptune and Pluto last for years. Neptune enchants, grants miracles, or can detach you from reality. Pluto, the dual principle, destroys and builds, and is capable of bringing radical transformation. Its transits are very rare but have a life-changing impact. The inner planets have almost zero destiny-changing power; they have more of an effect on mood and daily vibes.

In contrast, Mars is a level 1, Jupiter 2, Saturn 3, Uranus and Neptune 4, Pluto 5 in strength, which can vary depending on the type of aspect. The slower the planet causing the transit, the longer the effect lasts, the more significant events build up in your life, and the more drastically they change your life’s course. At Destiny Guide, we indicate on a scale of 1 to 5 how strong each transit is and how it affects your life.

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Can it be predicted whether an influence will be good or bad for me?

Celestial planets can form harmonious, supportive aspects with your horoscope, as well as tensions, which may be felt as subjective difficulties.

However, there are no inherently “good” or “bad” aspects. There are only energies and potential energies. A celestial planet touches one of your inner personalities, presenting an opportunity that you fill with concrete content.

What inner pattern does a particular influence evoke in you? You will generally react accordingly. If you love what’s happening, then the influence is positive, a kind of reward. A tense transit, however, confronts you with challenges. Whether they are emotional, willful, or they present other trials, they are something you don’t necessarily like. The truth is, in life, the greatest progress is always brought about by the interplay of “positive” and “negative” forces. It’s about recognizing the opportunities within.

The nature of the influence greatly depends on whether the planet—inner personality—affected by the transit represents strength or weakness in your horoscope. You’ll find personalized information at the beginning of the analyses, which in itself affects the content of the transit and the opportunities within it.

For instance, if a transit affects your inherently tense, problematic Mars, it acts as provocation. The response is likely to be intense, passionate, personal, aggressive. Even a positive aspect can overdrive such a Mars inner personality, encouraging recklessness, not to mention if it’s indeed a major transit (like Saturn, Uranus).

Transit analysis can bring your attention to "danger" in time to prepare. Useful? Absolutely!

If you repeatedly find yourself in a conflicted situation with people around you, it’s time to recognize the lesson! The world targets your weakness, so you need to change your Mars ego and patterns.

Any transit, whether “good” or “bad,” is suitable for this. Each one brings you closer to recognizing something. This is development itself!

We draw your attention to this.

On the other hand, a well-placed, active Mars serving as an internal resource allows you to draw strength from any challenge and see the possibility of victory in anything. The transit marks the “race” time and place for you.

The same applies to Venus. A well-balanced birth Venus gives self-confidence, assertiveness, and stable self-esteem, along with kindness, openness to happiness, the joys of life. You handle challenges smartly, diplomatically, but decisively, even warding off “invaders.”

With a damaged, weak Venus, this is much more difficult. That’s why you experience failure, disappointment, and harshness more often, despite your desire to be loved. A weak Venus makes you vulnerable, leading to exploitation, over and over again.

Regardless of whether a “good” or “bad” aspect affects you, its pattern prevails over time, sometimes with less weight, sometimes very starkly.

The lesson is always the same: value yourself so others will value and respect you! Cherish happiness and love, so you can partake in it!

A “good” aspect assists in this realization; a “bad” one acts as bitter medicine. Your birth chart clearly indicates the condition of Mars, Venus, and other planets.

On your profile, you’ll see five different categories. Which category an influence falls into depends on two things: the type of aspect and the strength of your natal planet in your horoscope.

Do you want to know how everything you just read looks in practice for you? What does the present and the coming year hold for you in love, career, finances, relationships, and eight other areas of life? You can know this without needing to understand a thing about astrology.

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Do you want to see how everything mentioned above applies to your life? Discover what the present and the upcoming year hold for you in areas like love, career, finances, relationships, and more – all with a simple look into astrology, requiring no prior knowledge!